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Is It Better To Safari In Kenya Or Tanzania? EASTCO Safaris

Is It Better To Safari In Kenya Or Tanzania?

When it comes to deciding between Kenya and Tanzania for a safari experience, both countries offer remarkable wildlife encounters and breathtaking landscapes. The choice ultimately depends on your specific preferences and priorities. Here’s a detailed comparison to help you make an informed decision:


  • The Maasai Mara National Reserve is Kenya’s most renowned safari destination, known for its abundant wildlife, particularly during the Great Migration.
  • The Maasai Mara offers excellent predator sightings, including lions, leopards, and cheetahs, along with large herds of herbivores.
  • Kenya has a well-developed tourism infrastructure, with a wide range of accommodations, from budget campsites to luxury lodges.
  • Other popular parks in Kenya comprise Amboseli National Park, famous for its iconic views of Mount Kilimanjaro, and Samburu National Reserve, offering unique wildlife species like Grevy’s zebras and reticulated giraffes.
  • Kenya’s safari experiences often combine wildlife viewing with cultural interactions, particularly with the Maasai people.


  • The Serengeti National Park is Tanzania’s most iconic safari destination, renowned for its vast grasslands, incredible wildlife populations, and the annual Great Migration.
  • The Serengeti offers unparalleled opportunities to witness the dramatic river crossings of wildebeest and zebras during the Great Migration.
  • Tanzania is home to other popular parks, such as Ngorongoro Crater, known for its dense wildlife population and unique crater ecosystem, and Tarangire National Park, famous for its large elephant herds.
  • Tanzania’s safari experiences often include cultural encounters with indigenous tribes like the Maasai and the opportunity to explore the diverse landscapes of the country.
  • Tanzania provides a range of accommodations, from budget-friendly tented camps to exclusive luxury lodges.

Factors to consider when choosing between Kenya and Tanzania

  • Personal Interests 

Consider your personal preferences and interests outside of wildlife viewing. Kenya and Tanzania have diverse offerings beyond safaris, such as cultural tours, hiking opportunities (e.g., Mount Kenya or Mount Kilimanjaro), hot air balloon rides, and interactions with local communities. Think about what activities or experiences would enhance your overall trip.

  • Wildlife Viewing

Both countries offer exceptional wildlife viewing, but the specific wildlife species and experiences can vary. Consider your interest in the Great Migration, predator sightings, and unique wildlife species.

  • Landscapes and Scenery

Kenya’s landscapes include open grasslands and rolling hills, while Tanzania’s scenery features vast plains, kopjes, and unique geological formations. Decide which landscapes resonate with you.

  • Accessibility and Infrastructure

Kenya has a more developed tourism infrastructure, with easier accessibility and a broader range of accommodation options. Tanzania, while less developed, still offers a suitable infrastructure for safaris.

  • Cultural Interactions

Both countries provide opportunities for cultural interactions with local tribes, such as the Maasai. Consider your interest in cultural experiences and interactions.

  • Crowd Levels

The popularity of certain parks can result in varying levels of crowds. While both countries have popular destinations, Tanzania’s Serengeti is larger and offers more secluded areas.

  • Budget

Consider your budget and compare the costs of accommodations, park fees, and other safari-related expenses in each country.

Ultimately, the decision between Kenya and Tanzania depends on your preferences, wildlife interests, landscapes, cultural experiences, accessibility, and budget considerations. It is advisable to consult with reputable safari operators or travel agencies who specialize in African safaris to help tailor your experience to your specific desires.

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